Earn your stripes

An organisation’s culture comprises the environment in which we work, the standards to which we are held, the relationships we have with our colleagues, the processes in which we communicate, and the unspoken beliefs we share with our staff members.

To internalise and grow the culture that we want, HBUFC developed Earn Your Stripes, seven characteristics which we seek to develop and grow in all our HBUFC community members and which are key elements behind the design of every programme we offer:


Being resilient and committed, having courage, being brave, persevering


Having good manners, being neat & clean, showing humility and sportsmanship


Being friendly, generous and considerate

Community Spirit

Showing compassion, care and connection with all people from all races, genders, cultures and backgrounds


Doing everything to the best of my ability on & off the field


Being punctual, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and leading my self in a manner in which I would like to be led by others


Being accountable for all actions and doing duties as required